CERN Courier: News Digest: Dielectric haloscope first (p.13)
CNRS - IN2P3: MADMAX: un concept novateur de détection des axions fait ses preuves
Cluster of Excellence: Quantum Universe: MADMAX Prototype Searches for Dark Photon Dark Matter with Thousand-fold Improvement
DESY News: MADMAX reaches major milestones and first physics results
CERN Bulletin: MADMAX at the forefront of the search for axions
"Exzellent erklärt": podcast about dark matter (in German)
CERN Newsletter of the EP department: MADMAX prototype test at CERN
CERN Bulletin: MADMAX and CERN's Morpurgo magnet
Physik Journal: Suche nach Axionen
CERN Courier: In search for WISPs
Physik Journal: Neuer Schwung für Axionen
CERN Courier: Search for WISPs gains momentum
Cafe & Kosmos Video (Part1)
Cafe & Kosmos Video (Part2)
DESY News: MADMAX looking for axions